Me and himself

Created by Lesley 3 years ago

My first meeting with the irrepressable JD was at my interview for the post of manager for the Disability Employment Network in 1999.  He was Chair of the charity, so clearly a VIP who could make or break my re-entry into the job market. He was the most charming, witty, kind interviewer I’ve ever had to face am happy to say I landed the job. 

Through this he became not just my boss but my dear, close, friend. Over the years of our friendship I watched him move from walking sticks to crutches to a wheelchair, from medical check ups to hospitalisation, but never once did he wallow in self pity or anger. 

Jim loved life. He loved socialising, being involved, and was what we oldies would called a “babe magnet”. I used to tease him about his harem, and would profess great jealousy that the wonderful Linda beat us all to it!

He rang me the week before he died for a catch up. The call lasted over an hour and was filled with laughter, some sorrow and the promise to call again. The call, when it came, was from Linda.

I will never forget the lunches, theater, trip to Spain, birthday bashes and the annual Rotary dinner at the Jaipur. RIP JD, I will try to be more like you  and make the most of each day. Your star has dimmed, but will never go out. Xx